Partial Payments

ARS 42-18056 Allows the Treasurer's Office to accept partial payments up to the point an Active Certificate is sold.

A. At any time before either installment of the tax becomes delinquent, the county treasurer shall accept a partial payment or payments of the tax in an amount of at least ten percent of the installment and in an amount of at least $10. The treasurer shall credit the taxpayer with the payment, and if any part of the tax or any installment remains unpaid at the date of delinquency, the delinquency relates only to the amount remaining unpaid.

Property Classification

Make Sure Your Property is Classified Correctly.

Review your Notice of Value or call the Pima County Assessor at (520)724-8630 if you are unsure how your property should be classified or whether your current classification is correct.

While you are on the phone with them, make sure your mailing address is correct. Click HERE for change of address form.

Apply for an Exemption

There are several exemptions and valuation relief programs that may benefit homeowners, small business owners and non-profit organizations.

Go to Pima County Assessors Office for more information or call (520)724-8630